ICGC Liberty Temple, of Orange, New Jersey is based in the United States of America. Liberty Temple is a religious branch of ICGC Worldwide. ICGC Liberty Temple initially started as a covenant family branch of ICGC New York with twelve members. Between 2002 and 2004, the 12 member covenant family met every Friday in a brother’s living room until February 29, 2004, when they secured a public space and held their first church service at the Community Access Hall in Elizabeth, New Jersey. This location became the church’s home for the next 4 years. As the Lord blessed the church with more believers, members prayed for God to grant them a bigger venue. Their prayers were answered on October 5, 2008 when the church secured the current venue at 438 Valley Street, Orange, NJ as its place of worship.
The overseer and head Pastor of ICGC Liberty Temple is Rev. Seth Senanu Kpodo Jnr. He is supported in the ministry by three associate pastors: Pastor Alex Ampiaw, Pastor John Hagan and Pastor Joseph Allotey. Since its inception, ICGC Liberty Temple has planted two other churches within New Jersey to meet the growing spiritual needs of its residents. Non-pastoral activities within the church is managed by the Church’s Administrator; Mrs. Doreen Awuku-Agyeman. She is assisted by the Church’s Secretary, Ms. Juliana Antwi.
History of the International Central Gospel Church
ICGC Christ Temple, Accra Ghana
The International Central Gospel Church – ICGC is an evangelical, Charismatic Christian Church. It was officially inaugurated as a church on the 26th of February, 1984 in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. The first meeting was held in a small classroom with an initial membership of just 20 people. From February to April of that year, the membership grew to about 180 adults in regular attendance.
The International Central Gospel Church – ICGC is a Bible believing evangelical, charismatic Christian church. It was officially inaugurated as a church on the 26th of February, 1984 in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. The first meeting was held in a small classroom with an initial membership of just 20 people. From February to April of that year, the membership grew to about 180 adults in regular attendance.
The early meetings of the church were held in several facilities which included classrooms, a private residence, a hall, a science laboratory, a mechanical workshop and a movie theater. In May 1986, the church settled in a rented Scout hall – Baden Powell Memorial Hall, which became its home for the next ten years to come. During this 10 year period, the membership rose to about four thousand (4000)! This period also saw aggressive missionary church planting activities with local assemblies established in almost all the major towns and cities in Ghana. ICGC now has a global footprint in multiple cities in Africa, Europe, and North America.
Community | Family | One
To establish the house of God, through the development of Model New Testament Christians and churches with the philosophical common denominator of practical christianity, human dignity and excellence.
Consequently, we are committed to train and equip God’s people who come to our church to develop and grow into maturity in Christ so they will manifest the character of Christ.
Compassion | Connection | Giving
Raising Leaders
Shaping Vision
Influencing Society through Christ
Through our programs, we trust to make the lives of our people better than before they came to Church, and redirect their perception and behavior in conformity with God’s word. This attitude which is based on the word of God will transform the lives of people in their communities, work place, schools and more.