Worship Times

Sunday Service Time: 10.00am – 12:30pm Wednesday: Prayer & Healing Service (Solution Center) Time: 10.00am – 12:30pm Friday Teaching Service Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Liberty Hour

Daily Teleconference prayer session. Number to call 712-432-1438 Pin # 106-7092, Time 5.00am – 6.00am, 9:00pm – 9:30pm daily.

Group Meetings

Choir Every Saturday @ 7pm Women’s Ministry \r\n\r\n3rd Saturday of every month @11am prompt.\r\n\r\nMen’s Ministry\r\n\r\nAs and when appropriate.\r\n




Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them…Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God…And he took them up in his arms and blessed them. – Mark 10:13-16


Our Children\’s Ministry is dedicated to teaching children of all ages the Word of God, and is available during all services. At the same time adult services meet, the children gather in their respective age groups. This allows a better opportunity to instruct them on their own level, and for parents to sit without distraction during the message. Parents are invited anytime to come see what is happening in Children’s Church. We are located in the Children’s Ministry wing on the opposite end of the building from the auditorium. Should you be unable to bring your child to the Children’s Church, there are overflow areas located inside the Auditorium for your convenience.


The Liberty Ladies is the women’s ministry which provides ministry to all women in the Church through its programs. Liberty Ladies seeks to achieve the following;

    • Help women see and accept themselves as the creation of God and raise their confidence to function as a vessel in God’s hands.
    • Provides avenues and motivate women to engage in various services in line with the church’s vision.
    • Prepares every woman in ICGC to maximize her potential and fulfill her role in life and impact her generation.

A complete ministry to the singles group in the church to have effective fellowship. Once a month, they meet to share common goals, address challenges and encourage one another in the Lord. There are six categories under this ministry:\r\n

    • Single professional and employed
    • Single divorced and separated
    • Single parents
    • Single students
    • Single unemployed
    • Single widowed and widower

Membership to this ministry is either by interest or need. With equipped coordinators their activities seek to achieve the following and more:\r\n

    • Members share personal testimonies; challenges and request for prayer support form the group.
    • They learn more about God and seek counseling and solution to their challenges.
    • Through discussions and seminars they discover opportunities and receive knowledge to handle specific needs.

‘,’Singles Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’55-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,”,55,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1399,1,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,’Members of our prayer ministry are the group who give life to the other ministries of the Church through a consistent, insistent and persistent prayer. They are the backbone to the overall operation of the ministry of Pastor Seth Senanu Kpodo. This effective and dynamic prayer ministry, which includes our intercessors and prayer warriors, pull the strings spiritually for the accomplishment of the vision of the Church, and the manifestation of the call on the Senior Pastor.\r\n\r\nThe prayer ministry is the integral part of the Church that fulfills the Scripture\r\n\r\n“ I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap.”  (Ezekiel 22:30).\r\n\r\nThey have responded to the challenge of standing in the gap for the pastor, the congregation and our partners.\r\n\r\nThey serve as the spiritual watchmen and watchwomen of the Church who handle the prayer needs of the Church and her members.’,’Prayer Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’53-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,”,53,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1400,1,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,’The music ministry of the Church is made up of the band/instrumentalists, the choir, and the praise team. These are the men and women who add flavor to our worship services, providing worshippers with music that glorify God. Over here at ICGC, we say we listen to music that does not only move the feet, but also, the heart. This ministry occasionally stages musical and theatrical performances and concerts for the uplifting of the soul.’,’Music Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’50-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,”,50,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1401,1,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,’“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” – Proverbs 27:17\r\n\r\nThe purpose of the Men’s Ministry is help men build intimate personal relationships with God through Christ and with each other through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship.\r\n\r\nIn addition, the Men’s Ministry hosts various events throughout the year, including retreats, volleyball tournaments, and picnics. Watch for announcements in the bulletin for more information regarding these events.’,’Men\’s Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’47-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,”,47,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1402,1,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,’

The Media Ministry is responsible for the production and marketing of sermons and the worship services recorded on CDs, DVDs, Audio Cassettes, & VHS). They handle the development and maintenance of our website, and the production of data to be aired on Radio and Television.They are also responsible for everything concerning visual and sound.
\r\n The team includes the cameramen, sound engineers, audio technicians, and the PowerPoint operators. This group of dedicated Church members ensure the proper functioning of all gadgets that are critical to the success of our worship services and special events.

‘,’Media Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’45-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:26′,’2009-12-09 21:04:26′,”,45,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1403,1,’2009-12-09 16:04:25′,’2009-12-09 21:04:25′,’

Provide regular marital counseling and ministry to all couples under the post-marital program. It also offers the forum for fellowship, sharing of experiences, ideas and general support. Couples Ministry is an avenue for inter-personal relationships, recreation among couples and also used as leadership resource for the younger couples.

‘,’Couples Ministry’,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’38-revision-3′,”,”,’2009-12-09 16:04:25′,’2009-12-09 21:04:25′,”,38,’′,0,’revision’,”,0),(1451,1,’2010-05-03 06:56:31′,’2010-05-03 10:56:31′,”,’THE ELEMENTS OF TRUE WORSHIP PASTOR SETH KPODO 05022010_17′,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’the-elements-of-true-worship-pastor-seth-kpodo-05022010_17′,”,”,’2010-05-03 06:56:31′,’2010-05-03 10:56:31′,”,0,’′,0,’attachment’,’audio/mpeg’,0),(1452,1,’2010-05-03 06:56:42′,’2010-05-03 10:56:42′,”,’THE ELEMENTS OF TRUE WORSHIP PASTOR SETH KPODO 05022010_18′,”,’inherit’,’open’,’open’,”,’the-elements-of-true-worship-pastor-seth-kpodo-05022010_18′,”,”,’2010-05-03 06:56:42′,’2010-05-03 10:56:42′,”,0,’′,0,’attachment’,’audio/mpeg’,0)